October 2020 Monthly Bias Incident Report

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

As I do each month, I am writing to report on bias incidents that have occurred on our campus. Since my last update, there have been no new incidents reported and no new developments on previous reports. Future updates will be posted on the table that we have created on the Department of Public Safety (DPS) website.

To report a bias incident, please contact DPS directly at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information to DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool or submit anonymous tips via the LiveSafe app. Any bias-motivated incident reported to DPS will be posted on our public site, so that our campus community can remain informed. You can also report a bias incident and receive support through the STOP Bias website.

You may subscribe to the bias incident page at dps.syr.edu/public-information/bias-incident-reports.


Bobby Maldonado
Chief, Department of Public Safety