The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, requires colleges and universities to publish an Annual Security Report by October 1 each year. This report must document the past three calendar years’ worth of select campus crime information, including statistics and detailing the school’s security policies and procedures.

Some of the statistics included in the Annual Security Report each year come from Campus Security Authorities. These are individuals or organizations on campus, or people working and living on campus who are directly or indirectly responsible for campus security, those specified in an institution’s campus security policies as reporting persons, and officials/institutions who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities.

This may include student housing, student disciplinary authorities, and campus judicial boards. At Syracuse University, we hold training informing Campus Security Authorities of their status and responsibilities.  Campus Security Authorities should visit annually to complete the training.

Where can you find the Department of Public Safety’s compliance materials for the Jeanne Clery Act?

  • The Department of Public Safety’s Annual Security Report is updated online every year. The Department of Public Safety sends emails and postcards annually notifying the campus community of the ASR’s release.
  • The Act further requires that schools have a publicly-accessible Daily Crime Log documenting the “nature, date, time, and general location of each crime” occurring within the police or security department’s jurisdiction. Incidents must be entered into the log within two business days. The Log must contain the past 60 days of incident information.
  • In addition, the Act requires that schools have a publicly-accessible Fire Log documenting the “nature, date, time, and general location of each fire” occurring in an on-campus student housing facility. Fires must be entered into the log within two business days. The Log must contain the past 60 days of incident information.

To report a Clery-Reportable Crime, you can call our Emergency Communications Center at 315.443.2224, or complete the Clery Crime Report Form.