June 2022 Updates From the Department of Public Safety

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

I hope that you are having a safe and enjoyable summer thus far. While many of you are away from campus, we are busy preparing for the fall semester and are looking forward to having everyone back next month.

I’d like to provide a few important updates in this edition of the monthly Department of Public Safety (DPS) email. I will address:

  • Daily Incident and Crime Log
  • Peace Officer Academy Update
  • Student of Color Advisory Committee
  • Monthly Bias Update

Daily Incident and Crime Log

After collaborating with multiple campus partners, DPS has implemented an automated process for posting our incident data to our website. The daily incident and crime log and newly created incident map can be found on our website.

Peace Officer Academy Update

Our eight campus peace officer academy recruits just started their eighth week of instruction. Other than their morning wellness program, which most recently included introduction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, much of their instruction has been in the classroom and has included topics such as the following:

  • New York State laws,
  • ethics and professionalism,
  • essentials of response and investigative skills,
  • crime prevention,
  • criminal procedure,
  • procedural justice, and
  • domestic violence.

They still have much more to cover in the next 13 weeks, including hands-on scenarios and field-based training. To follow along, be sure to follow DPS on our Instagram account: @SyracuseDPS.

Student of Color Advisory Committee

We continue to seek nominations for the Student of Color Advisory Committee. This committee brings together students, DPS members and other campus community members to focus on public safety and quality-of-life matters and engage on safety and DPS intervention, among other topics. Nominations should be sent to nomination@syr.edu with a statement detailing the student’s interest in the committee and why the student would be a valuable member of the group. We ask that nominations be submitted by Friday, Aug. 5.

Monthly Bias Update

There are no new updates to share. As a reminder, if we do have additional updates, we will update the chart on our website and share any developments in this monthly email.

It is also never too late to come forward with information. You can call DPS at 315.443.2224 or submit information anonymously via the Silent Witness tool. In addition, to report a bias incident or to receive support, visit the STOP Bias website.

I look forward to welcoming you back to campus next month.


Chief Craig Stone
Department of Public Safety