DPS News

Seeking Nominations for Student of Color Advisory Committee

The University is seeking student nominations for the Student of Color Advisory Committee that will collaborate with the Department of Public Safety (DPS). This committee, which originated in fall 2018 with the idea of bringing together students, DPS members and other campus community members to focus on integrating public safety with quality of life matters, will provide feedback on such important matters as safety, late-night transportation and DPS intervention, among other topics.

To learn more, visit news.syr.edu.

Update on Public Safety Community Review Board from Loretta E. Lynch

Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community:

As you may know, my team and I have been working to assist the University in developing a community review board for Syracuse University’s Department of Public Safety (DPS). Today, we are pleased to present a proposed framework for the University’s Public Safety Community Review Board, which we have developed based on suggestions and concerns expressed to us by members of the University community.

I want to emphasize that this framework is not final and is meant to stimulate continued discussion.

To read the entire message from Loretta E. Lynch, visit news.syr.edu.

Public Safety Update: Robbery

On Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020, at approximately 11:16 p.m., a student reported being approached by an unknown male outside Brewster Hall. The suspect displayed what appeared to be a knife and demanded the student’s belongings. The student gave the suspect their backpack, debit card and cell phone. The suspect then fled the scene, on foot, eastbound on Van Buren Street before meeting up with what is believed to be an additional suspect. The suspects were last seen behind the Syracuse VA Medical Center. No injuries were reported.

The first suspect is described as a male, approximately 5’10, medium build, wearing a dark jacket, sweatpants and black winter hat with a surgical face mask covering their face. The second suspect is described as a male wearing an all gray jumpsuit and riding a bicycle.

If you were in the vicinity at the time and witnessed the incident, please contact the Syracuse Police Department at 315.442.5222 or the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

If you or someone you know has been affected by an incident on or near campus, please know that there are resources available to you. In addition, for your safety, please review these suggested safety strategies.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.

Public Safety Notice: Robbery

On the 15th of September, 2020 at approximately 11:16 p.m., DPS received a report of a robbery that occurred outside of Brewster Hall at 401 Van Buren Street. The Syracuse Police Department and the Department of Public Safety are on the scene and investigating this incident. We ask that you stay away from the area, at this time and that you call DPS at 315.443.2224, should you have information regarding this incident. More information to follow.

Update on Investigation of Racist Language Found on Package in Day Hall

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

I am writing this afternoon to provide an update on our investigation regarding the package with a racial slur written on it that was discovered Friday in Day Hall.

At this time, we are confident that the graffiti did not occur at Day Hall. Since the student worker made the discovery on Friday, we have spent hours reviewing security camera footage. From the moment the package left the UPS truck to the time the student worker noticed the slur, the package was always within the view of security cameras. We have watched every minute of video from that three-hour window, and at no point did anyone disturb the package. It is most likely that the package arrived on campus with the racial slur already written on the box.

To read more, visit news.syr.edu.