DPS News

Public Safety Information Notice: Off-Campus Burglaries

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Syracuse Police Department (SPD) are actively investigating several off-campus burglaries that have occurred in the 200 block of Comstock Avenue. The alleged suspects have been entering through unlocked windows and doors.

To enhance your safety and protect your personal space and belongings, we recommend taking the following steps:

  • Lock all exterior doors and windows – even when you are home.
  • Report all suspicious people, activity and behavior immediately.
  • Store valuable items in secure places and lock interior doors when you are out.
  • Record serial numbers of electronic equipment.

If you have any information regarding this incident or others, please contact the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

If you or someone you know has been affected by an incident on or near campus, please know that there are resources available to you. In addition, for your safety, please review these suggested safety strategies.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.

2019 Security Report

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

Syracuse University is a thriving international research institution in the geographic heart of New York state. With a bustling and vibrant community surrounding our campus, we confront the same challenges all great universities experience: namely, how to further enhance the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors.

We are dedicated to your safety and protection. And we are always available to you. Our staff includes more than 130 law enforcement, fire and life safety, emergency communications, security and administrative professionals. Each of us works every day to foster a community where all our students, faculty and staff feel welcome, safe and supported.

Our goals for our community are consistent year after year:

  • reduce crime by equipping our community members with personal and residential safety and security guidelines and recommendations;
  • teach and encourage safe behavior and active bystander best practices;
  • inform the campus community about programs, resources and services, because knowledge is a powerful crime-fighting tool;
  • inspire and invite others to partner with us in our mission to minimize crime and increase safety on and near campus; and
  • consistently work to improve and enhance a meaningful relationship with the community we serve.

The 2019 edition of Your Safety and Security at Syracuse University is now online and can be found by visiting dps.syr.edu/annual-security-report/. This report is required by The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) and is one of the many ways we communicate with our campus community about crime and fire safety data, crime prevention programs, student safety guidelines and important information on our campus safety reporting procedures.

We urge you to familiarize yourself with this information. And we ask that you be a vigilant partner in our ongoing and collective efforts to maintain a safe environment where all our community members can thrive.

To request a print copy of the Your Safety and Security at Syracuse University report, contact Nikki Cooter, regulatory compliance manager, at njcooter@syr.edu or 315.443.5476. Once you submit your request, your print copy will be delivered within 10 days.

Your partners,

Anthony Callisto Jr.
Senior Vice President for Safety and Chief Law Enforcement Officer

Robert Maldonado
Chief, Department of Public Safety

DPS Hiring Event

On Tuesday, October 1, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), in conjunction with Human Resources, is holding a hiring event at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel for the 90 Residential Community Safety Officer positions available. The event is taking place from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Comstock room. We are asking that those interested in the position apply online prior to the event and bring a current resume to the event. There, applicants will be able to learn more about the position and have a chance to go through the screening process. To learn more about the job and apply online, please visit the SU job opps website.

Important Safety Resources and Information

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

As all of us settle into a new academic year, we would like to let you know about new safety initiatives and also remind you about existing services, resources and offerings designed to enhance the safety of our campus community.

First, we were heartened by the results of an off-campus safety survey initiated last semester. Here’s what students told us:

  • Nearly all respondents indicated they feel safe in the University neighborhood during daytime hours on weekdays (97.5%) and weekends (96%).
  • Three-quarters of respondents agreed “Syracuse University is a safe place for me to learn and live.”
  • 70% of respondents agreed “Syracuse University cares about my safety.”

New safety initiatives, many of which were created as a direct result of your feedback, include:

  • Expanded safety shuttle services, including two new fully accessible vans, focused on reducing wait time during late evening and early morning hours.
  • Hired additional security guards to further support the neighborhood Department of Public Safety (DPS) Walking Escort program.
  • Launched the DPS Student of Color Advisory Committee in May 2019.
  • Publicly posted a map identifying the DPS area of jurisdiction and areas where the City of Syracuse Police Department has jurisdiction.
  • Simplified the bus and shuttle schedule to make it easier to identify transportation options, especially during evening and late-night hours.
  • Created an online form to report concerns to the Threat Assessment and Management Team.
  • Established an officer relationship program to focus on building relationships between students and officers (led by Sergeant Joe Shanley).
  • Implemented changes to the residential housing policy pertaining to overnight and short-term guests and minors.
  • Enhanced the Residential Security Aide program in the residence halls to operate 24 hours a day by Spring 2020.
  • Developed new opportunities for DPS officers to receive diversity, equity and inclusion training, including the creation of new dialogue circles.
  • Installation of additional neighborhood cameras is underway.

Existing safety initiatives include:

Safety Strategies: While your chances of being a victim of a crime are actually very low, it is still important to be aware of certain safety strategies while at Syracuse University:

  • Always lock your windows and doors, even if you’re only going to be away from your room for a short period of time or while you’re sleeping at night. Criminals look for opportunities, like an open window or unlocked door.
  • Keep your stuff with you! Never leave cell phones, laptops, wallets or other valuables behind—it only takes a few seconds for someone to walk away with them.
  • Use a U-bolt locking device for your bicycle and register your bike with DPS.
  • Never walk alone. Most street crime incidents occur at night and usually involve students walking alone or with just one other person.

LiveSafe: Connecting with DPS is as easy as opening an app on your smartphone. With LiveSafe, you can call DPS or 911 in the event of an emergency, report tips including videos and pictures, or use the SafeWalk feature, which permits you to virtually share your location with friends as you walk to a destination. Download the app today!

Orange Alert: This is the University’s crisis notification system, designed to provide rapid notification and instruction in the event of a crisis. We perform a test of this system every semester and will be scheduling one for the upcoming month. In addition, due to our expanding campus, we recently added two more sirens to our system; one on the top of the Whitman School and the other on the top of the Falk College. Please log in to MySlice to verify that your contact information is up to date.

Run. Hide. Fight.: In the event of an active shooter situation, it’s important to be prepared. We created this video for you to understand the importance of these three words: Run. Hide. Fight.

Finally, remember that the Department of Public Safety is here for you 24/7 by calling 315.443.2224 or by connecting on the LiveSafe app.


Bobby Maldonado
Chief, Department of Public Safety

Robert Hradsky
Vice President for the Student Experience