DPS News

Department of Public Safety to Conduct a Test of the Orange Alert Campus Crisis Alert Notification System on Wednesday, Sept. 20

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will conduct a test of the Orange Alert Campus Crisis Alert Notification System on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 1:55 p.m. It will be a full test of the system, which includes notifications sent via email, text message and voice call. The test will also include the Orange Alert outdoor siren system on the University’s North and South campuses. The sirens will be activated for two minutes at 1:55 p.m.

In addition to email, text and voice messages, the Orange Alert test message will also be sent via push notification to the Orange Safe app, to the main Syracuse University and DPS Facebook and Twitter accounts, and will display on the University’s homepage and video monitors located in common areas in several buildings around campus.

The Orange Alert message will be sent to all Syracuse University students, faculty and staff, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) students and to SUNY ESF faculty and staff who have signed up. Orange Alert will send a notice to all devices that are registered on the system.

“As we do every semester, it is time for us to do a full-scale test of the Orange Alert System,” says William Karnadi, director of emergency management and business continuity planning. “Ahead of the test on Wednesday, please go into your MySlice account and verify that your contact information is up to date. This includes making sure that your cell phone is categorized as a mobile device, so that you receive our text messages.”

To review and/or modify your Orange Alert contact information, go to MySlice, log in using your NetID and password, select Student Home or Employee Home, depending on your primary affiliation with Syracuse University, select the Personal Profile tile, then “Orange Alert Contacts” from the navigation menu and review your information. If you need to add, update or delete contact information, select the “Add/Update/Delete Contact Details” link. If you are an ESF student, use the ESF emergency contact information page to update your information.

For additional information on the Orange Alert system, visit the DPS website.

Summer of Community Engagement for DPS

Engaging with the campus community is a main priority for the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS); however, the desire to connect and have meaningful interactions extends well beyond the borders of campus. Throughout the summer, DPS collaborated with numerous partners to partake in two summer programs that brought local high school students to the Syracuse University campus to learn and work alongside the DPS team.

“Syracuse University is a pillar in the local community,” says Associate Vice President and DPS Chief Craig Stone. “DPS has increased our community engagement on campus and the community at large. Our team enjoyed spending time with our youth and exposing them to opportunities at Syracuse University.”

Each program provided a unique experience to the local high school students who participated.

Summer Internship Program

DPS proudly took part in the University’s Summer Internship program hosted by the Office of Community Engagement in collaboration with the Syracuse City School District Career and Technical Education program.

Rising high school seniors participated in this six-week work opportunity that aligned them with their chosen learning pathway. Throughout the six weeks, the three student interns interacted with the entire Campus Safety and Emergency Management Services (CSEMS) team, rotating between different units.

Summer Internship Coordinator for DPS, Commander Michael Hartnett, was thrilled by the work of the interns, “The three young women that took part in our summer internship program were exceptional. They accomplished so much throughout the summer and helped our CSEMS team tackle various projects.”

The three interns were recognized at the end of the six weeks with a ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments alongside other interns who spent time with various other departments at the University.

Youth Leadership Camp

Our first annual Youth Leadership Camp ran throughout July. This was yet again another collaboration with the Syracuse City School District and their Career and Technical Education program, which brought rising ninth graders to campus for four days. The students participated in an expansive curriculum, including learning sessions that focused on life, career and education skills. The group also got out of the classroom to tour campus, see the athletics facilities, use the esports gaming room, try virtual reality law enforcement scenarios and learn how to use a fire extinguisher.

“I am thankful for all of the instructors and other groups that we collaborated with on our first ever Youth Leadership Camp,” says Youth Leadership Camp Coordinator Sergeant John Stephens, “Above all, I am grateful to the group of students that spent the week with us; hopefully, they learned some new skills they can put to use as they begin high school.”

The Office of Community Engagement and Government Relations was also a key partner in making the Youth Leadership Camp a reality. DPS is already evaluating ways to expand and grow the program for next summer.

“I’m extremely proud of the initiatives our team at DPS took on this summer,” says Stone. “We will continue to find ways to engage with the community and craft programming that will make a positive impact in their development.”

August 2023 Updates From the Department of Public Safety

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

It is wonderful to see our campus full of life once again. Our entire Department of Public Safety (DPS) team has enjoyed seeing all the new and returning faces over the past couple of weeks. I hope everyone has settled in nicely as the semester gets underway.

If you haven’t yet, please review the communication that was sent out last week which highlighted important safety resources and services. Additionally, I have several updates to provide today, including the following:

  • Orange Safe App Milestone
  • Evacuation Assistance Request Form Available in MySlice
  • Community Police Academy and R.A.D.
  • DPS Community Engagement Events
  • Employee of the Month
  • Monthly Bias Update

Orange Safe App Milestone

Recently, Orange Safe eclipsed 10,000 downloads. It is encouraging to see how receptive our campus community has been to the app. We plan to celebrate 10,000 downloads by rewarding some of those who have downloaded the app. Please be sure to follow us on social media for your chance to win.

If you haven’t downloaded Orange Safe yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. Orange Safe is a free app that provides several tools designed to keep you safe. Users can stay connected and receive important campus notifications, communicate with campus safety and gain access to resources needed most. To learn more and download today, visit our website at dps.syr.edu.

Evacuation Assistance Request Form Available in MySlice

Students, faculty and staff with temporary or permanent disabilities, or other mobility-related concerns, can now request various types of assistance during an emergency evacuation on campus. This includes wheelchair users, individuals who are blind/low vision, deaf/hard of hearing, sensitive to noises and/or crowds, in need of text/written communications and more. To request assistance, log in to MySlice, navigate to the “Personal Profile” tile and select “Evacuation Assistance Request” from the menu. Read more on SU News.

Community Police Academy and R.A.D.

Our DPS team is still accepting applications for our Community Police Academy and registrations for our R.A.D. self-defense course. Please review the following information to determine if these programs may be of interest to you:

Community Police Academy: This is a free four-week program designed to give eligible students, faculty and staff an idea of what it’s like to protect and serve our campus community. For the Fall 2023 semester, the classes will be held every Wednesday in October from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in 020 Lyman Hall.

R.A.D. Self-Defense Course: R.A.D. is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. The R.A.D. system is a comprehensive course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, and progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. For the Fall 2023 semester, the classes will be held the first four Sundays of October from 5 to 8 p.m. in Skybarn on South Campus.

To learn more and register, visit our website.

Community Engagement Events

Our DPS team is always looking for opportunities to connect with our campus community. Here are some events our team has planned throughout the month of September:

DPS Game Nights: Game nights will be held again this semester in the Schine Student Center! There will be a PlayStation 5 (PS5) and Oculus Quest available for use, or just stop by to chat with DPS staff. You can find us in the Schine from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Sept. 12 and 26.

Reassurance Station: In partnership with Title IX and Apartment and Off-Campus Living, DPS has launched a “Reassurance Station” on weekend evenings. This past weekend the event saw nearly 1,000 students stop by where our team was setup at 401 Euclid Ave., outside of Lyons Hall. Representatives from the aforementioned offices provided snacks while they reminded students of important safety tips and answered any questions that students had. The “Reassurance Station” will be setup once again the next two nights (Sept. 8 and Sept. 9) from 9 p.m. to midnight outside of Lyons Hall. Please feel free to stop by and say hello to those stationed at the table!

As always, we welcome your suggestions on other events we can host that allow our officers and our community to get to know each other better. Be sure to mark your calendar and follow us on social media (@syracusedps) for more information on these events.

Employee of the Month

Officer Jessica Mehlek has been selected as our August 2023 Employee of the Month. Officer Mehlek is being recognized for the role she played in diffusing a physical domestic dispute. Thanks to her timely response and ability to perform under pressure, the suspect was taken into custody without further incident. Congratulations to Officer Mehlek on a job well done!

Monthly Bias Update

Aug. 30: Two Syracuse University students reported being called the N-word by an individual unknown to them in the fourth-floor hallway of Flint Hall. The reporting students said the slur was used by an individual in a group of four to five women.

Update: DPS has met with the reporting students to gather additional information. Multiple canvasses and interviews have been conducted, along with an extensive review of CCTV footage. The Syracuse Police Department and New York State Police have been notified. If anyone has relevant information regarding this incident, we ask that you reach out to us.

Aug. 27: A Syracuse University employee reported hearing an antisemitic slur from a passing car. The driver was identified as a non-affiliate who claims he was misheard. Due to a lack of witnesses and security footage with audio, the investigation has been closed due to inconclusive evidence.

It is also never too late to come forward with information. You can call DPS at 315.443.2224 or submit information anonymously via the Silent Witness tool. In addition, to report a bias incident or to receive support, visit the STOP Bias website.

Stay safe and have a productive start to the semester.

Go Orange!

Chief Craig Stone
Department of Public Safety
Student Experience Division

Important Campus Safety Resources and Services

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

As our campus community is ready to embark on a new academic year, I want to take this opportunity to offer a warm welcome to all our new and returning students, faculty and staff.

In this message I will share information about the University’s “Run. Hide. Fight.” video, offer an overview of safety strategies and resources that are available, and explain the processes and protocols that guide how the Department of Public Safety (DPS) communicates about safety matters.

‘Run. Hide. Fight.’ Video Updates

Over the summer our team was hard at work finding ways to improve the “Run. Hide Fight.” video to make it more accessible to and reflective of our community. I would like to thank everyone who assisted in the improvement of this vital training resource.

“Run. Hide. Fight.” is considered a best practice in crisis response, particularly in the event of an active shooter situation. Many organizations, including Syracuse University, subscribe to this model in response to any immediate threat.

I hope all of you take the time to check out the updated videoand learn the “Run. Hide. Fight.” model. In the event of an active shooter situation, it’s important to be prepared and utilize these strategies until law enforcement can respond and take control of the situation.

Safety Strategies

Every member of our campus community can play a role in keeping our campus safe and secure. Please review the following safety strategies, which I encourage you to implement while at Syracuse University:

  • Download the Orange Safe mobile safety app. With this app, users can stay connected and receive important campus notifications, communicate with campus safety and gain access to resources.
  • Follow us on social media: @syracusedps. Our social media offers an avenue to quickly receive important emergency notifications, information on DPS events and important safety reminders.
  • Check out SU Today for campuswide information and follow @syracuseunews. Syracuse University News Services is responsible for the distribution of campuswide announcements, public safety notices and other critical messages to the University community.
  • Always lock your windows and doors, even if you’re only going to be away from your room for a short period of time or while you’re sleeping at night, if possible. Criminals look for opportunities like an open window or unlocked door, especially on ground floor levels.
  • Never leave cell phones, laptops, wallets, car keys or other valuables out of your sight—it only takes a few seconds for someone to walk away with them.
  • Use a U-bolt locking device for your bicycle and register your bike with DPS.
  • Avoid walking alone after dark, always try to travel in a group whenever possible.
  • Use simple steps to ensure rideshare safety. Remember SAMI: Stop, Ask, Match, Inform.
  • If you or someone you know has been affected by an incident on or near the Syracuse University campus, please know there are many services and resources available to you as a member of the Syracuse University community.

Communications Processes

The summary below explains how and why DPS uses emergency notification and public safety messages. This includes how, when and via what channels we issue safety communications to our campus community.

DPS Issues Broad Communications Across the Campus Community:

  • When there is an active or imminent threat of physical danger to the campus community.
  • When there is an active crime scene on or immediately adjacent to the campus and we need community members to avoid the area.
  • When a perpetrator is at large on or immediately adjacent to the campus and we need the community’s help locating the individual.

Broad Communications Will Not Be Issued:

  • When initial investigation into an incident indicates there is no continuing threat.
  • When another law enforcement agency has jurisdiction or is the lead investigator on an active case, and we have been directed not to issue a notice. That agency may communicate to the broader public and direct us to inform our community.
  • When communicating broadly will impede or jeopardize an active investigation (Please note: although it is our intention to communicate in a timely manner, we will always prioritize maintaining the integrity of an investigation, especially when we are following active leads.)

Reporting a Crime or Bias Incident

Anyone with information warranting an Orange Alert or a Public Safety message is encouraged to report the incident to DPS by immediately calling 315.443.2224; toll-free 855.443.2224; 711 from a campus landline; or via the Orange Safe app.

If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information to DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool. To report a bias incident or to receive support, visit the STOP Bias and Hate website.

Bias Incidents

DPS maintains a Bias Incident Reports webpage where we aggregate bias-related incidents. This page is updated and accessible to students, faculty, staff, parents and other community members. Bias-related incidents are posted to this page within 48 hours, unless posting will impede or jeopardize an active investigation. Anyone has the option to subscribe and receive bias incident reports directly via email. This protocol has been developed in partnership with the Syracuse Police Department, New York State Police, the FBI and district attorney’s office and is aligned with best practices of peer universities.

Public Safety Messages (Timely Warnings)

Public Safety messages are distributed via email and posted on the DPS website and on DPS social media accounts. There are three types of messages:

  • Public Safety Notice designates a timely warning related to an ongoing concern for violence.
  • Public Safety Information designates a warning related to an ongoing property crime problem or about general safety-related information.
  • Public Safety Update provides information regarding a threat that has passed or an update to a previously issued Public Safety Notice.

Public safety messages include information about the incident that triggered the warning to promote safety and enable members of the campus community to protect themselves from similar incidents. They are intended to inform the community of suspects at large or an ongoing threat to campus community members and to seek the community’s help in identifying suspects and gathering pertinent details. Follow-up information will be disseminated when appropriate and all alerts are posted online.

Emergency Notification and Response (Orange Alert)

The Orange Alert system is designed to provide rapid notification and instructions to Syracuse University students, faculty and staff, and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry students in the event of a verified crisis where there exists an immediate threat of serious physical harm. All DPS officers have the authority to activate the Orange Alert system if necessary.

Orange Alert utilizes email, text messaging, social media networks and cell/landline phone calls to send a brief notice about the incident and instructions about what actions to take. Additionally, sirens located on the Kenneth A. Shaw Quadrangle, Whitman School of Management building, the Falk College complex and South Campus housing will sound in the event of an Orange Alert. After an Orange Alert message is broadcast, more detailed follow-up information will be provided through various means, including but not limited to the University’s website, University social media resources, email, phone and campus radio and television resources.

Sign Up in MySlice

To receive Orange Alert and Public Safety communications, all students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to go to MySlice, log in using your NetID and password, select Student Home or Employee Home depending on your primary affiliation with Syracuse University, select the Personal Profile tile, select “Orange Alert Contacts” from the navigation menu, and then review your information.

If you need to add, update or delete contact information, select the “Contact Details” from the navigation menu. Utilize the “Orange Alert Private Phone” feature to add a secondary/emergency contact (i.e., parent, spouse, sibling, etc.) to receive alerts.

Our team at DPS is always available to discuss our processes, protocols and how we collaborate with local, state and federal law enforcement to keep our campus community safe. Finally, remember that the Department of Public Safety is here for you 24/7 by calling 315.443.2224 or by connecting on the Orange Safe app.

I wish all of you an enriching and safe semester!


Craig A. Stone
Associate Vice President and Chief
Department of Public Safety

DPS Programming for Fall 2023 Semester

Join the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS) throughout the Fall 2023 semester for opportunities to learn, interact and engage with our team. For some events, like our DPS Game Nights in the Schine Student Center, Coffee with a Cop in early October and De-stress with DPS at Bird Library during finals week, you can just stop by at your leisure; for other programs, you have to sign up for including:

To read the full article, visit news.syr.edu.