DPS News

Department of Veterans Affairs Police will be conducting an Active Threat Response Drill

On November 7, 2019 at 9:00AM the Department of Veterans Affairs Police will be conducting an Active Threat Response Drill at the VA Medical Center.  Due to this drill there will be an increased number of Officers in the area and you may see them running with red colored training weapons or vehicles with emergency lights on, do not be alarmed it is only a drill. The drill is estimated to last approximately two hours.

Public Safety Informational Notice: Unsubstantiated Threats

Nearly every Halloween, rumored threats involving sexual assaults on sorority members are brought to our attention.  Though these rumors are uncorroborated, we investigate any and all threats of sexual assault.  Despite chatter on social media channels, at this time, there is no evidence to substantiate these threats or rumors. Please be aware that – due to Halloween and the anticipated increased social activity on and around campus – we have additional patrols working this evening and through the weekend. The Syracuse Police Department (SPD) has also committed to increasing their patrols during the same time period. We, in close partnership with the SPD, are working vigorously to maintain a safe campus community.

Our chief priority is and will always be the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. As such, the following units will continue its vigilance on and around our campus:

  • Orange Watch patrols, which focuses on expanded DPS presence in key areas on North and South campuses and in the neighborhoods north and east of campus.
  • The University Area Crime-control Team (UACT) patrols, which is staffed jointly by the DPS and the SPD and patrols in the immediate off-campus and fraternity/sorority neighborhoods focused on robbery and burglary suppression.

In addition, we will continue to:

  • Monitor social media channels, talk with and listen to community members, assess reported threats and take action as appropriate.
  • Increase our campus patrols’ focus on patrolling the outskirts of campus to prevent the victimization of community members.

We are constantly evaluating our practices to ensure that we are responsive to the safety concerns of our campus and surrounding neighborhoods. We encourage open dialogue with our community and urge you to report anything suspicious.

There are also a number of services available to our campus community members to help keep them and make them feel safe. Don’t hesitate to call for a safety escort (315.443.SAFE) and please sign up for the LiveSafe App on your smartphone, which acts as a mobile blue light, allowing you to contact the DPS Emergency Communications Center with the touch of a button and transmit your physical location during the call. We also have a list of safety strategies that we urge you to review.

If you have any additional information about these rumors, please call the DPS as soon as possible at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.

Public Safety Informational Notice: Internet Blackmail Scam

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is alerting students, faculty and staff about a blackmail scam – leveraging social media sites – making its way around university campuses. Here’s what we know about the scam:

  • Victims have experienced this scam while engaging and corresponding with unknown individuals on social media sites.
  • The perpetrators of the scam request explicit photos from the victim.
  • The perpetrators then threaten to release the photos over social media sites if the victims do not provide money to keep them private.

If you have received this message or know someone who has received it, please call the DPS as soon as possible at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

Fraudulent scams happen every day; please take a moment to review these tips from the Federal Trade Commission on how to avoid fraud.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.

Halloween Safety Tips

When celebrating Halloween this year, be smart! Here are a few tips to keep you safe and sane this Halloween:

  • Stay in groups – This is an obvious tip, but it is important enough to be reiterated. Sticking with a group of friends is definitely the safest thing you can do. Never leave a party without at least one other person and never let friends go off by themselves. There is always safety in numbers, and that’s even more important on crazy weekends like Halloween. Remember, no one left behind!
  • Keep your phone with you (and charged)! – Don’t leave your phone in a bag somewhere or give it to someone else to hold. If you do get separated, you will need it to call someone for help. Make sure it’s charged, so that you are able to use it should you need to. A dead phone isn’t going to help anybody. Put an emergency number in your cell phone such as DPS (315.443.2224), your friend’s and maybe even your friend’s roommate. If you get lost or separated, you’ll want to know who to call. Also, carry your cell phone on you at all times. Think about costume choice, is there a place for your phone, if not, wear something under your costume that can securely hold your phone.
  • Set limits and stick to them – No one likes to hear this tip, but it’s always smart to set limits on how much you drink. It’s a good way to make sure that you don’t go too overboard and end up in a sticky situation. If of legal drinking age, don’t leave your drink unattended, and never accept a drink from someone you don’t know. The point is to have fun, not be the drunkest one at the party. Plus your friends want to have fun too, not be your babysitter.
  • Party location – If you find yourself at a party where you don’t know a lot of people or the crowd seems sketchy, grab your friends and get out. Call it a night or go to a party with more of your friends and people you know.
  • Hosting a party – Know who is at your house, be responsible when serving alcoholic beverages, and make sure you have non-alcoholic beverages for those under 21 years of age. Monitor!!!
  • Look up safety escort shuttle number 315.443.7433 (RIDE) – Have this number before you go out and save it in your phone in case you need it.
  • Have the number of a taxi company/Uber/Lyft – Although it sucks to have to pay for a ride, the price is small compared to what could happen if you tried to walk alone or got lost. Just like the safety escort number, keep a taxi company number stored in your phone as well. Sometimes the safety escort number gets backed up with so many calls, especially on a weekend like Halloween. If this happens, you will be ready with a backup that can get you home safely. There’s always the bus transportation on campus as well.
  • Costumes – For the safety of yourself and others, don’t wear a costume that includes anything that could be confused with a real weapon. Don’t wear anything that could be taken as impersonating a police officer, and don’t wear anything too risqué. Remember, the goal of your costume isn’t to make it scary-short or scary-revealing… just scary! Be sensitive of others when choosing a costume or painting your face.
  • Suspicious activity – If you see something, say something! If you see something or someone that is suspicious, call it into DPS or 911 and be prepared to provide the necessary information so the agency can investigate the incident.
  • ID – Carry some form of identification on you at all times, should you become ill or injured and unable to identify who you are, authorities will need to know who to contact in case of an emergency.

No matter what your plans are this Halloween, remember these safety tips and you’re sure to have a fun and safe weekend.

Public Safety Update: Burglary

On Saturday, October 19, 2019, just before 10:30 p.m., a student reported a burglary in progress at their residence in the 300 block of Comstock Ave. The student said there were three male suspects, one of whom shoved the student while fleeing from the residence with the student’s property. The other suspect reportedly threatened to have a weapon, however no weapon was ever displayed. The suspects fled the scene on foot, heading in an unknown direction on Comstock Ave. No injuries were reported.

If you were in the vicinity at the time of this incident, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) asks for your help in identifying the suspects. Suspect #1 is described as a male, mid-teens wearing a black hooded sweatshirt. Suspect #2 is described as a male, mid-teens wearing a green hooded sweatshirt. Suspect #3 is described as a male, mid-teens; no further description available.

If anyone has any information regarding this incident or others, please contact the Syracuse Police Department at 315.442.5222 or the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

If you or someone you know has been affected by an incident on or near campus, please know that there are resources available to you. In addition, for your safety, please review these suggested safety strategies.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.