DPS News

DPS Accepting Sign-Ups for R.A.D. Summer Session

The Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS) is currently accepting sign-ups for its R.A.D. summer session. R.A.D., which stands for Rape Aggression Defense, is a nationally known self-defense program. This women-only self-defense course is being offered exclusively to Syracuse University students, faculty and staff on the following dates:

  • Sunday, June 18
  • Sunday, June 25
  • Sunday, July 9
  • Sunday, July 16

“The R.A.D. self-defense program is a pillar of the various trainings that DPS offers to the campus community,” says Associate Vice President and DPS Chief Craig Stone. “R.A.D. courses are taught by our nationally certified instructors who cultivate a welcoming environment where safety and self-defense measures are at the forefront.”

All sessions will be held in the Skybarn on South Campus from 5 to 8 p.m. Faculty and staff have the option to attend with their daughters; please note that anyone 18 years old and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. To learn more and register, visit the DPS website at dps.syr.edu or contact Michael Patsos at mpatsos@syr.edu.

DPS and Fraternity and Sorority Community Partner for Earth Day Cleanup

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and Fraternity and Sorority Affairs partnered for an Earth Day cleanup on April 22, which brought together 10 DPS team members and 128 Greek members from 47 chapters to volunteer their time and effort to clean up the east neighborhood in Syracuse. The cleanup covered Ostrom Pl., Ostrom Ave., Livingston Ave., Sumner Ave., Ackerman Ave, Lancaster Ave., Redfield Pl., Clarendon St., Maryland Ave. and Thornden Park. A full truckload of garbage was picked up and disposed of at Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency’s refuse facility.

The idea for the cleanup event stemmed from Associate Vice President and Chief of DPS Craig Stone, and DPS led the coordination of locations and details. While it was the first time organizing such an event, the turnout and end result left a lasting impression on those involved and an excitement to continue this next year.

“I was immensely impressed with the turnout for the neighborhood cleanup. Over 100 students took time out of their Saturday morning to help make a positive difference for our campus community,” said Stone. “DPS is looking forward to continuing this initiative in the future.”

“Seeing our student volunteers and members of the DPS team work together was awe-inspiring and truly indicative of what it means to be part of the Syracuse University community. This is the first of many Earth Day events sponsored by DPS and we look forward to partnering with Fraternity and Sorority Affairs going forward in regard to this most worthy cause,” added DPS Sergeant John A. Stephens.

Shane Corridore, a junior in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and member of Sigma Alpha Mu, reflected, “The most meaningful part was just seeing how many people decided to be there and help out. The vibe was amazing, and everyone had a good time helping the community.”

“Service is a core value of the fraternity and sorority community, so when DPS approached us with this idea, we knew our chapter members would be eager to volunteer to make a difference in the local area,” said Tiffany Dennett, director of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. “We expect this will become a staple of the many service projects our chapters support throughout the year.”

Story by Student Experience communications intern Wanshi Zhang ’23

Public Safety Informational Notice: Vehicle Thefts Under Investigation

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Syracuse Police Department (SPD) are actively investigating three reports of vehicle thefts. All three reports were made on Monday, May 1. These thefts occurred at 150 Stadium Place, 614 South Crouse Avenue and 919 East Genesee Street.

We believe these thefts are consistent with a nationwide trend of thieves targeting Hyundai and Kia vehicles due to a design flaw that allows these cars to be started without a key. Thieves use a USB cord and a screwdriver to exploit a glitch and jump start the vehicles.

Hyundai and Kia have launched a free service campaign to address this issue. Please review this NHTSA press release for additional information if you own one of these makes.

We ask our community members, particularly those living in off-campus neighborhoods, to remain alert for suspicious activity. Thieves are looking for unlocked car doors and open windows as a mean to gain access to vehicles. So please, make sure your vehicle is locked and always secured.

The Syracuse Police Department (SPD) will be leading these investigations, with the support of DPS officers. Please contact SPD at 315.442.5222 or DPS at 315.443.2224 if you have any information regarding these recent car thefts. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.

April 2023 Updates From the Department of Public Safety

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:

It is hard to believe we have reached the final weeks of the spring semester. I hope it has been a rewarding and enjoyable year for all of you at Syracuse University. Please stay safe as the semester winds down.

In my last update of the semester, I will touch on:

  • DPS Game Night Giveaway
  • R.A.D. Summer Session Sign-Ups Open
  • Earth Day Clean-Up
  • Employees of the Month
  • Safety Strategies
  • Monthly Bias Update

DPS Game Night Giveaway

Our final DPS game night of the semester is this Wednesday, May 3, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Schine Student Center. I hope you’ll consider joining us to celebrate a successful semester of game nights. We will be running a giveaway contest—stop by our table at game night to find out how you can win a Syracuse University jersey or even your own SpikeBall set! Be sure to mark your calendar and follow us on social media for more information @SyracuseDPS.

R.A.D. Summer Session Sign-Ups Open

R.A.D., which stands for Rape Aggression Defense, is a nationally known self-defense program. The program uses realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for individuals who want to learn such techniques. The R.A.D. system is a comprehensive course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, and progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training.

Join the Department of Public Safety for a women-only self-defense course offered exclusively to Syracuse University students, faculty and staff on the following dates:

  • Sunday, June 18
  • Sunday, June 25
  • Sunday, July 9
  • Sunday, July 16

All sessions will be held in the Skybarn on South Campus from 5 to 8 p.m. Faculty and staff have the option to attend with their daughters (anyone under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). To learn more and register, visit the DPS website.

Earth Day Clean-Up

In celebration of Earth Day, DPS partnered with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs to organize a neighborhood clean-up. The turnout was outstanding, with more than 100 students taking time out of their Saturday morning to help make a positive difference for our campus community. DPS is looking forward to continuing this initiative in the future. To learn more about the clean-up, please visit our Instagram page: @SyracuseDPS.

Employees of the Month—April 2023

I am pleased to share that Community Service Officer (CSO) Martha Farmer and Officer Greg Scheurer have been selected as our April 2023 Employees of the Month.

CSO Farmer was selected because of the countless times she has gone above and beyond for the campus community during her 15 years with us. She is always looking out for other team members, making sure to help in any way she can. She thoroughly enjoys getting to know the students, chatting with parents and families, and working athletics events. CSO Farmer was even personally invited by the students to attend the department graduation at Peck Hall this year. It is great to see our staff connecting with the campus community.

Meanwhile, Officer Scheurer was instrumental in resolving two recent cases. These include a larceny case in Bird Library and the successful resolution of a bias incident in Watson Hall. In one case, Officer Scheurer responded to a larceny in progress at Bird Library and was able to locate and arrest the suspect. In the second case, Officer Scheurer responded to Watson Hall regarding a bias incident, conducted a thorough investigation and was able to locate the student/suspect that made a derogatory remark. I am proud of Officer Scheurer’s efforts and appreciate his commitment to the safety and well-being of our campus community.

Congratulations to this month’s honorees.

Safety Strategies

As the semester wraps up and the weather gets nicer, I want to remind you all that we usually see an uptick in crime. It is essential to remain vigilant to ensure a safe and secure environment over the next couple of weeks. I’d like to remind you of some steps you can take to keep yourself and your property safe.

  • Lock your doors and windows, even if you are going to be away for just a short period of time.
  • Hide or lock up your valuables; do not leave them where criminals can easily see them.
  • Remind your roommates to take the same action.
  • Remain vigilant.

For more safety tips, visit the Safety Strategies webpage.

Monthly Bias Update

March 27: A University employee reported the theft of two flags, the Haudenosaunee flag and the LGBTQ+ flag. The flags were among those flown on flag poles on the Quad outside of Hendricks Chapel.

Update: Through extensive review of video footage DPS was able to follow a lead that successfully resulted in the return of the flags from a non-affiliate. The flags were also returned with Syracuse University branded banners, which were also stolen during the incident.

April 13: A Lawrinson Hall resident advisor reported that a resident received a note that was slid under their door that included a homophobic/anti-LGBTQ+ slur.

Update: Additional interviews have been conducted. We continue to investigate and request that anyone who may have information about this incident contact us.

April 21: A Syracuse University student reported receiving a hateful message from an unknown user via Facebook messenger. The message contained hateful language targeting the Hindu religion.

Update: DPS officers met with the student to gather additional information. Support resources and services were offered to the student. DPS is continuing to investigate the origin of the message, which at this time remains unknown. We ask that anyone who may have information about this incident contact us.

It is also never too late to come forward with information. You can call DPS at 315.443.2224 or submit information anonymously via the Silent Witness tool. In addition, to report a bias incident or to receive support, visit the STOP Bias website.

Thank you all for making my first full year in Syracuse such a rewarding experience. I am already looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces back here in August. Lastly, to the Class of 2023, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Craig A. Stone
Associate Vice President and Chief
Department of Public Safety

Public Safety Informational Notice: Attempted Sexual Assault Reported in Thornden Park

Trigger Warning: This warning addresses a report of sexual misconduct. There are dedicated resources, services and supports for those impacted by sexual and relationship violence. For confidential support, contact the Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team at 315.443.8000, or visit srv.syr.edu for additional information.

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at approximately 5 p.m. the Department of Public Safety (DPS) received a report of an attempted sexual assault in Thornden Park. According to the report, a Syracuse University student was approached by an unknown male wearing no clothing. The suspect threatened the student and told the student not to scream. That is when the student claimed to be accompanied by others in the park, which, according to the student, scared off the suspect. The suspect then fled on foot. No injuries were reported.

The suspect is described as a large, heavyset male, approximately 50 years old, standing 5’ 8” to 5’ 9” in height, with a mole under his left eye. The suspect was seen carrying a white shirt and a set of keys.

The Syracuse Police Department (SPD) will be leading the investigation, with the support of DPS officers. If you were in the vicinity at the time and witnessed the incident, please contact SPD at 315.442.5222 or DPS at 315.443.2224. If you would like to anonymously report NON-EMERGENCY information for DPS, you can use the Silent Witness tool.

If you or someone you know has been affected by an incident on or near campus, please know that there are resources available to you. There are also dedicated resources, services and supports for survivors of sexual and relationship violence. In addition, for your safety, please review these suggested safety strategies, as well as guidance and intervention strategies on how to be a prosocial bystander.

This public safety information is issued for your safety in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act.